Intensive Supported Living Programs
AYS Intensive Supported Living Programs are designed to care for adults who require more intensive services to provide them with a safe and caring home.
Our programs are designed to establish placement stability and as a result, a long-term placement. The adults living in AYS Intensive Supported Living Programs have been typically described as “hard to serve”, "complex" and "challenging”. They often have a variety of emotional, ritualistic, self-abusive and destructive behaviour problems that have been unsuccessfully accommodated in more traditional residential placements. Residents have likely had a history of multiple failed placements and require one-on-one care to manage daily routines.
AYS Intensive Supported Living Programs have an extremely high success rate of placement stability by establishing competency in skills, congruent with the individual’s developmental and functional abilities. This approach allows the individual to achieve success, as well as learn and master functional skills which results in forming positive relationships and higher levels of compliance and socially adaptive behaviour.
AYS staff are highly trained and are skilled at ensuring that the individuals who reside in our homes meet primary goals that prevent the cycle of placement breakdown that they have experienced in the past. These goals are: A) Safety for themselves, the staff working with them and the community they live in. B) To prevent involvement in the criminal justice system. C) To stabilize and reduce aggressive/destructive behaviour that has resulted in placement breakdown. D) To experience a long-term placement and establish roots in a community as a function of stability.
Further goals and planning for the individuals in our programs are determined through Person Centred Planning, as well as collaboration with all team players.
All residents in our Intensive Supported Living Programs have access to the following clinical services:
- Initial Needs Assessment
- Psycho Vocational Assessment, Academic Assessment, Psychological Educational, Cognitive, and Adaptive Functioning Assessments, all completed by a Registered Psychologist to assist in determining cognitive abilities, recognize the presence of an impaired cognitive functioning, identify academic ranges and learning profiles, as well as measure personal and social skills needed for everyday living in order to develop and support educational/vocational and treatment plans.
- Individual Counselling, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Sexuality Counselling, Psychosexual Risk Counselling